
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday- Rest.

By "rest" I mean no exercise today. Monday is a cleaning day, so imagine it with a fair sized house and 6 kids... and me bleeding like a stuck pig. So real "rest" is just about impossible, but I'll take what I can get :) My cramps are akin to after pains. So I've loaded up and ibuprofen, lots of RRL (which actually lessens my cramping to this- it used to be worse), and I'll probably sneak in a nap. I expect to feel this low on energy today and maybe tomorrow, then I'll be fine again. Unless this round turns out to be especially long.

So, here is me... honoring my body's needs, and still doing my job. During the day I'll probably do cat cows, side stretches, etc just because they feel good. Let's face it, a little feeling good in the midst of feeling "ouchness" is always welcome.

Thought for the day: Congratulate yourself for honoring your body's needs. Sometimes, doing this is just as difficult as pushing your body to improve it's strengths or endurance. Good job!

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