
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prenatal Yoga

By Yoga Journal I did the 30 minute energizing sequence this morning, adding a few twists and stretches at the end.

I've used this dvd during each of my last 4 pregnancies. I do it on days I'm low on energy, or low on sleep, and crunched for time. I also do it more towards the end of the pregnancy, because by then I (usually) don't feel up to the more strenuous workouts. The other things I usually do at the end of the pregnancy is walk... a LOT.

Anyway- this sequence does energize without using up that energy. I love the standing pelvic tilts, tree pose, and camel. Table's not a fav, but it's not too bad. I feel calm and energetic.

When I'm with child, my other work outs can drain my energy away and challenge my body too much. A lot of the time an hour of work is too much - which is why I shorten them most of the time, by skipping a bit here and there. With my skipping out on my workouts due to the rather extreme morning illness, I was concerned I'd gain too much weight too quickly... but I weighed myself, and I haven't gained a pound. Well, it fluctuates a pound or two, but you know what I mean. My preggie pants, which I wear because I cannot stand ANY pressure on my stomach still (makes my ill), are a little big, as I was heavier with the last 2 children. So I feel that I have not put on any extra padding even though I skipped out on a lot of workouts... and ate whatever I could to appease my temperamental tummy.

Now, my tummy is still temperamental, just less so. So I'm eating better and more often. And when the illness hits I listen to my body and try to figure out what the problem is and fix it- am I hungry? too hot? tired? over stressed? All of these things can make me ill. Funny, huh?

This prenatal yoga program is wonderful for energizing my morning, winding down my evening, and getting ready for birth. With the several different sequences offered on the dvd, I am able to pick and choose, and none of them take more than an half hour. When I got it, I wasn't so sure. The picture on the front was of the instructor with the famous belly pillow under her shirt because she was no longer prego... I mean why do that? So what, she's not preggie when she does the dvd?! There are still two others in the program who are and show all the different variations on the poses... the advertising was just irksome. But I took it home anyway and tried it, and was perfectly happy with it! It was on sale, and I think I paid $6 for it... 5-6 yrs ago?...

So... Like Deni Preston has counseled her class many many times- try something new and stick with it to see if you really like it or not. I didn't think I'd like this- and every pregnancy I'm thrilled to have it in our dvd library! Oh, and a good place to check out Yoga dvds is just type in dvd in the search spot and it'll give you a LONG list to check out! You won't find Deni Preston, who is of course the QUEEN, but you will find a few goodies! Then you can take the titles to ebay and find them cheap, or some other such place!

Thanks for reading! Sweat on!

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