Okay, guess what? Tomorrow I begin training for a half marathon. Yes, my utlimate goal is to do a full marathon, but let's build up to this. I mean I AM only 3 1/2 weeks postpartum here. I can't just jump up and train 12 weeks to run 26 miles.
But, the short term goal is that in 12 weeks I will run a little over 13 miles. No I have never run 13 miles before. 8 is as far as I have gone so far.
I was going to run Saturday, but then I wasted tones of time looking for my MP3 player. I took VERY good care of it!! And I found the arm strap... and the headphones, which were exactly where I left the entire package. You see it's been a while since I used it. BUT no MP3 player. Let's just say I was TICKED at the idea that I lost it. So DH and I tore through the house looking for it. Searched high and low. No luck. I think someone walked off with it, as it was by the door on a shelf, where I leave it when I come in from a run, as the strap and the headphones were there... but again no music playing thingy.
GRRRRR! Alright, so now I have to get the right equipement- AGAIN.
Aside from the MP3 player, my training begins on Monday. Starts out slow. The first run is 3 miles. So I'm not nervous - YET. We'll see how it goes and how I feel in 5 weeks when I'm running 6 miles. Let's see I'll be 8 weeks postpartum... oooh let's not think about it. The more I worry the more bad stuff tends to happen.
I'm excited, certainly. The run is nearby to help Raise awareness of Human Trafficking. And if during training I find that 13 miles is too much, they have a 10K and a 5K I can sign up for instead.
So, wish me luck! June 4th is the BIG Race Day!!
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