
Lilypie Maternity tickers

Saturday, May 15, 2010


The Amazing Shrinking Hippo ran 7 1/2 miles this morning. But right after I had to milk the goat, take a shower, and run to a garage sale before I could post. Some days just race right by.

So this morning, I got up, got my gear (water, cd player, headphones, etc), and headed out. I was not pushing myself to run any particular speed, I didn't even time it, but I did know I needed to get to a garage sale, so when I saw my 4 mile mark up ahead I was worried I'd been runnin too slowly and needed to head back home. Of course the slight warmth in my outer thighs helped make this decision... Oh, something I've learned that helps to alleviate the burning sensation... When I feel the burn during a run, I breathe even MORE deeply on my inhales. Like you slow your breathing during labor, to insure the baby gets oxygen, I slow my breathing down and breathe as deeply as my lungs can. And, amazingly, it helps. There is a decided difference on the exhale, makes me want to inhale again! Which makes sense of course, since oxygen is what removes the lactic acid from the muscles as they work.

I did remember to stretch, although I didn't get in the spinal twists until after the shower. It's comin' up on 2:30 now and my thighs still feel funny. Not quite tingling, but not completely normal either. My hippo felt lighter today and when I slid into my "skinny" capris they felt more loose. The run itself was great. Listenin' to Jamie Cullum, if you haven't heard this Brit, go check him out! So while singing along to "Singin' in the Rain" I slowed down in the driveway. Then I milked to "I Could Have Danced all Night". Great music seriously helps the run along. I couldn't do it without the music!

I know I should have measured today, but it'll have to wait another week. Not enough time this mornin'.

I'm not in the running thang for speed. I actually want to get to the point where I can run over twenty miles at a time, if I feel like it. I know it would take forever. But I just wanna be able to do it.
THought for the Day: Go, girl, go! Sweat on!

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